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All surnames beginning with B, sorted alphabetically (total individuals):
1. Babb (2) 2. Bacon (1) 3. Badger (5) 4. Badham (1) 5. Bagguley (2) 6. Bagley (3) 7. Bagnall (29) 8. Bagshaw (6) 9. Baher (1) 10. Bail (2) 11. Bailey (35) 12. Baily (2) 13. Baines (2) 14. Baker (24) 15. Balderstone (1) 16. Baldwin (3) 17. Balfour (1) 18. Ball (7) 19. Ballarini (8) 20. Ballintine (1) 21. Bamlet (1) 22. Bancroft (4) 23. Banford (1) 24. Banister (2) 25. Banks (3) 26. Bann (2) 27. Baranowske (1) 28. Barber (31) 29. Barbet (1) 30. Barca (1) 31. Barde (1) 32. Bardsley (3) 33. Barger (2) 34. Barker (38) 35. Barkley (1) 36. Barlow (14) 37. Barnard (2) 38. Barner (1) 39. Barnes (32) 40. Barnett (8) 41. Barney (1) 42. Barns (1) 43. Baron (2) 44. Barr (1) 45. Barrat (1) 46. Barratt (16) 47. Barrett (31) 48. Barron (1) 49. Barrow (19) 50. Barry (3) 51. Bartlam (10) 52. Barton (35) 53. Bartram (1) 54. Bartrem (1) 55. Basford (38) 56. Baskerville (10) 57. Basnet (33) 58. Basnett (8) 59. Basnettt (1) 60. Bason (1) 61. Bassett (3) 62. Bassnet (1) 63. Baston (1) 64. Bate (24) 65. Bately (1) 66. Bateman (18) 67. Bates (5) 68. Bath (1) 69. Batho (1) 70. Battersby (7) 71. Battle (5) 72. Batty (1) |
73. Bault (1) 74. Baverstock (9) 75. Baxendale (23) 76. Baxter (1) 77. Bayer (1) 78. Bayford (15) 79. Bayley (53) 80. Baylis (1) 81. Bayliss (5) 82. Bayly (1) 83. Bazard (1) 84. Beaman (1) 85. Beardmore (12) 86. Beasant (1) 87. Beauchamp (2) 88. Beaver (1) 89. Bebbington (3) 90. Beck (1) 91. Beckett (5) 92. Beckly (1) 93. Beddis (5) 94. Beech (67) 95. Beeley (2) 96. Beer (1) 97. Beers (1) 98. Beith (1) 99. Bell (104) 100. Bellamy (3) 101. Bellingham (2) 102. Bellis (16) 103. Belsom (2) 104. Bembridge (1) 105. Benford (1) 106. Bennet (1) 107. Bennett (33) 108. Bennion (1) 109. Benson (1) 110. Bentam (1) 111. Bentley (32) 112. Berger (5) 113. Berisford (1) 114. Berkett (1) 115. Berlien (1) 116. Berry (23) 117. Berthwaite (1) 118. Bertiskle (1) 119. Bertwistle (1) 120. Best (1) 121. Beswick (10) 122. Bethell (11) 123. Bethune (26) 124. Betsy (1) 125. Bettiley (1) 126. Bettley (4) 127. Betton (1) 128. Betty (1) 129. Betz (1) 130. Bibby (1) 131. Bickerton (3) 132. Bickford (11) 133. Biddle (3) 134. Biggar (1) 135. Biggs (2) 136. Biker (3) 137. Billinge (2) 138. Billingfield (1) 139. Billingham (2) 140. Billington (1) 141. Bingham (2) 142. Binns (24) 143. Binny (2) 144. Birch (23) |
145. Birchall (7) 146. Birchenhall (1) 147. Bird (1) 148. Birkett (71) 149. Birks (6) 150. Birtch (1) 151. Birtles (12) 152. Bischoff (1) 153. Bishop (13) 154. Bithel (1) 155. Bither (3) 156. Blackbond (1) 157. Blackburn (2) 158. Blackman (1) 159. Bladen (43) 160. Blagg (1) 161. Blair (4) 162. Blake (1) 163. Blakeley (1) 164. Blakelow (1) 165. Blakely (2) 166. Blakeman (24) 167. Blakemore (39) 168. Blakey (8) 169. Blakman (2) 170. Blane (15) 171. Blears (1) 172. Bleasale (1) 173. Bleasdale (30) 174. Blease (3) 175. Blinstone (53) 176. Blomeley (4) 177. Bloomfield (1) 178. Bloor (9) 179. Blow (1) 180. Bloxham (1) 181. Blundell (7) 182. Blything (23) 183. Boardman (14) 184. Bodel (2) 185. Bodell (1) 186. Boden (52) 187. Boggs (6) 188. Boidle (1) 189. Bold (6) 190. Bollard (1) 191. Bolton (3) 192. Bond (17) 193. Bongaards (2) 194. Bonner (50) 195. Bonnett (1) 196. Bonney (3) 197. Bonsall (1) 198. Boon (2) 199. Booth (59) 200. Boothby (1) 201. Borkley (1) 202. Borton (3) 203. Bossons (8) 204. Bostock (2) 205. Bosworth (5) 206. Bottomly (1) 207. Boughey (10) 208. Bould (2) 209. Bound (1) 210. Bourne (3) 211. Bowcock (23) 212. Bowden (9) 213. Bowen (24) 214. Bower (3) 215. Bowers (15) 216. Bowker (9) |
217. Bowler (1) 218. Bowman (4) 219. Bowyer (1) 220. Box (1) 221. Boyd (7) 222. Boyer (1) 223. Boyes (1) 224. Boyle (4) 225. Boyse (1) 226. Bracegirdle (170) 227. Brackin (3) 228. Bradburn (36) 229. Bradbury (43) 230. Braddock (1) 231. Bradford (2) 232. Bradish (2) 233. Bradley (8) 234. Bradshaw (74) 235. Bradwell (6) 236. Bragg (1) 237. Braham (5) 238. Brain (54) 239. Braithwaite (4) 240. Bramann (1) 241. Bramhall (1) 242. Brand (7) 243. Bransdreth (1) 244. Brant (1) 245. Branwhite (1) 246. Bratby (36) 247. Bratherton (63) 248. Bratton (1) 249. Braugher (1) 250. Braund (25) 251. Bray (4) 252. Brayshaw (1) 253. Brazier (5) 254. Brean (1) 255. Breardmore (1) 256. Brearley (1) 257. Breckons (4) 258. Breeze (3) 259. Brereton (2) 260. Breskettle (1) 261. Brew (1) 262. Brewer (1) 263. Brickhill (1) 264. Bridge (6) 265. Bridges (1) 266. Bridson (4) 267. Brierley (12) 268. Briers (1) 269. Briggs (10) 270. Brighouse (30) 271. Bright (7) 272. Brighton (1) 273. Brill (1) 274. Brimble (1) 275. Brindle (3) 276. Brindley (1) 277. Brinton (19) 278. Brisach (1) 279. Briscall (1) 280. Brisley (1) 281. Bristow (2) 282. Britain (1) 283. Britiffe (1) 284. Britland (1) 285. Brittain (21) 286. Broadhead (10) 287. Broadheath (1) 288. Broadhurst (2) |
289. Brock (17) 290. Brocklehurst (2) 291. Bromilow (1) 292. Bromley (7) 293. Brook (9) 294. Brooke (39) 295. Brookes (1) 296. Brooks (15) 297. Broom (1) 298. Broomall (2) 299. Broome (1) 300. Broomhall (8) 301. Brossier (6) 302. Brossman (1) 303. Broster (1) 304. Brough (2) 305. Broughton (4) 306. Brouwers (1) 307. Brown (119) 308. Brownbill (4) 309. Browne (15) 310. Brownhill (2) 311. Brownless (45) 312. Brownsword (13) 313. Bruce (2) 314. Brundrit (1) 315. Bruner (6) 316. Brunning (1) 317. Bryan (2) 318. Bryant (1) 319. Buck (1) 320. Buckingham (2) 321. Buckland (1) 322. Buckle (2) 323. Buckley (93) 324. Bucknall (67) 325. Buckner (1) 326. Bull (1) 327. Buller (1) 328. Bullingham (1) 329. Bullock (26) 330. Bunn (2) 331. Bunting (2) 332. Burges (1) 333. Burgess (75) 334. Burghall (25) 335. Burgien (1) 336. Burke (2) 337. Burkhill (4) 338. Burn (1) 339. Burnard (2) 340. Burnette (1) 341. Burns (18) 342. Burroughs (1) 343. Burrows (4) 344. Burt (2) 345. Burton (44) 346. Bury (1) 347. Butcher (3) 348. Butler (22) 349. Butterfield (1) 350. Butters (1) 351. Butterworth (63) 352. Buxton (3) 353. Byfield (4) 354. Byford (1) 355. Byram (12) 356. Byrne (1) |