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The Eachus Family of Cheshire, England Home | What's New | Sources | Calendar | Statistics | Surnames |
Matches 251 to 300 of 23,763
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251 | 10 August 1823 St Oswald, Winwick, married by Banns William Lowe of this Parish Ursula Adamson X (her mark) of this parish witness: Maria Dixon, John Dean & Peter Ridyard | Family F5936
252 | 10th July 1764 Middlewich Parish Church. By Licence John Eachus, age 23. Batchelor & Husbandman of Minshul Vernon in the Parish of Middlewich. Ann Edwards X (her mark) age 16. Spinster of the Parish of Nanptwich, were married by Licence with the permission of Robert Edwards, Father. In the Presence of Samuel Eachus & Robert Edwards. Fees 2/6d married TUESDAY 10th July 1764 [Archive - digital copy of Marriage Licence & Marriage entry Held] [Archive - copy of Parish Record Entry Held (MR4-4 ] | Family F19
253 | 11th July 1866 The Parish Church of St Bride, London Thomas Creffiedl, full age , Batchelor of St Bride, Confectioner. Sarah Gant, full age, Spinster of St Bride. were married by Banns by John W Laughton In the presence of John Sutherland & Charlotte Creffield, Grooms Father : Thomas Creffield , Publican Brides Father: Harry Gant, Miller [archive - digital copy] | Family F7057
254 | 12 April 1814 St Peter & St Paul, Ormskirk, Lancashire. by Banns with consent of their Parents. James Orritt X (his mark) of this Parish Elizabeth Swift X (her mark) of this Parish witness; James Swift & John Hankin. register Marriages 1813-1827 page 19 entry 57. | Family F5903
255 | 12 feb 1865: The Parish Church of St George in the county of Surrey. John Jeffrey Messent, full age, Bachelor & Draper of the Old Kent Road. Ellen Albion, Minor & Spinster. were married by Licence by Mark Hurman in the presence of F Albion & Mary Ann Albion. Grooms Father: Jeffery Messent, Tailor Brides Father: Henry Albion, Draper. [achive - digital copy] | Family F3699
256 | 12 Nov 1796, Prestbury Cheshire, England John Sharpley age 21, Martha Warren age 20. Brides Father: James Warren, By Licence | Family F6051
257 | 12, 26, 1760 Whereas EDWARD FLOUNDERS of this city, Butcher, who lately arrived from Great Britan, hath sometimes frequented our Religious Society for Worship, and in other respects made an appearance of professing with us, the people called Quakers, though not joined in Religious Fellowship with us, by certificate from the place of his former residence, hath been charged with being guilty of adultery which he did not clear himself of, therefore we deem it necessary for the clearing truth of our Christian Profession from the reproach occasioned by such evil conduct, publicly do testify against the same and to declare that he is not a member of our Religious Society. Philadelphia Monthly (Quaker) Meeting January 11, 1761 Edward Flounders born Near Media This is our Edward. PA Archives October 27, 1763 The Pennsylvania Gazette FIVE POUNDS REWARD. STOLEN from the Subscriber, on the 22d of this Instant, out of the Hog Pen Lots, near the Center, a red roan Horse, about 5 Years old, 14 Hands 3 Inches high, has a long Snip down his Face, a white hind Foot, has a high Carriage, gallops fast, trots out of Hand, New England bred, shod all round, and has been lately trimmed: Taken at the same Time, a half worn Saddle and Bridle, also a Flannel Pad and Saddle Cloth. Whoever takes up and secures said Thief and Horse, so that they, or Horse only, may be had again, shall receive the above Reward, and all reasonable Charges, paid by me EDWARD FLOUNDERS . July 21, 1768 The Pennsylvania Gazette A LIST of LETTERS remaining in the Post Office Philadelphia. F. Edward Flounders 1769 Provincial Tax Philadelphia Edward Flounders Butcher 2 horses 9.14.8 Pounds April 25, 1771 The Pennsylvania Gazette Philadelphia, Fourth Month 20, 1771. To be SOLD, at PUBLIC VENDUE, by the subscriber, the 11th of May next, at 4 oin the afternoon, at the house of Daniel Grant, at Moyamensing, A VALUABLE LOT of improved MEADOW, containing 11 acres and 17 perches, more or less, situate on Greenwich Island, fronting the river Delaware; bounded by lands of William Jones, Hannah Allen, and << Edward Flounders>> ; subject to a 25 feet lane, leading from the road over Hollanders creek, to the said river. --- There are sundry barracks, and a small meadow house on said lot, which are to be sold separate from the land. EDWARD JONES. February 13, 1772 The Pennsylvania Gazette On the 18th of January last was killed, and sold by Edward Flounders, the largest and fattest HEIFER ever known in this Market; she was 4 Years old, and was raised and fed by John Lea, at Wilmington, New Castle County. The Beef weighed 894 lb. the Tallow 180, and the Hide 101; the whole Weight 1175 lb. July 7, 1773 The Pennsylvania Gazette BY virtue of a writ to me directed, will be exposed to sale, on Monday, the 19th of July instant, at 6 o'clock in the evening, at the London Coffee house, a certain piece or parcel of drained cripple, or meadow land, situate on Greenwich Island, in Passyunk township, containing about 4 acres and 146 perches; bounded by the river Delaware, and by lands of Jonathan Shoemaker, John Drinker, and others. And a certain other tract or piece of land, situate in Passyunk township, containing about 5 acres, be the same more or less; bounded by lands of John Rouse, John Godfrey, John Sober, and Rebecca Johns; late the estate of Edward Flounders ; seized and taken in execution by Judah Foulke, Sherriff September 22, 1773 The Pennsylvania Gazette BY virtue of a writ to me directed, will be exposed to sale, on Thursday, the 30th of September inst. at six oin the evening, at the London Coffee house, a certain tract or piece of land, situate in Passyunk township, containing about five acres, be the same more or less; bounded by lands of John Rouse, John Godfrey, John Sober, and Rebecca Johns; late the estate of Edward Flounders ; seized and taken in execution by JUDAH FOULKE, Sheriff. 1774 Provincal Tax Philadelphia Edward FloundersButcher 1 horse tax 13.4 August 1777 Names of Foreigners who took the Oath of Allegiance to the Province and State of Pennsylvania EDWARD FLOUNDERS proves to have taken the the test of me in August 1777. Affirmed Somewhere, I have a record that this was taken in Philadelphia. Names of Foreigners Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to the Province and State of Pennsylvania: Volume 2 A HISTORY OF THE TEST LAWS AND LAWS CONCERNING OATHS OF ALLEGIANCE IN FORCE IN PENNSYLVANIA BETWEEN JUNE 13, 1777, AND MARCH 13, 1789. EDWARD FLOUNDERS, proves to have taken the test of me in August 1777. Affirmed. Names of Foreigners Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to the Province and State of Pennsylvania: Volume 2 [p.55] According to the Act of 5th Deer. 1778. : Flounders, Edward p.48 This appears to be the last record of F. Edward Flounders | Flounders, Edward (I28523)
258 | 13 August 1797, St Oswald, Winwick. by Banns Thomas Adamson X (his mark) of this Parish Ellen Lythgo X (her mark). of this parish. witness; Robert Cross & Thomas Lythgo. Married by John Lowe Curate | Family F6003
259 | 13 July 1815 St Elphin, Warrington, By Banns Thomas Adamson X (his mark) of this Parish Ellen Hatton X (her mark), of this Parish Witness; Ann Brint & C Bratt jnr married by Jonathon Topping Curate. | Family F6004
260 | 13th February 1843 the Parish of St Peters in the City of Chester. John Wharton of full age, Bachelor & Wheelwright of Chester. Ann Faircloufg of full age, Spinster of Chester were married by Banns by Charles B Tyalor, Rector. In the presence of John Jones & Edwib J Siddall. Grooms father: Job Wharton, Shoe Maker Brides father: Samuel Fairclough, Farmer [Archive - digital copy] | Family F6921
261 | 14th April 1868, St Boniface Parish Church, Bunbury. by Licence Charles Lawton batchelor of Bathomley, Farmer. full age. Father Thomas Lawton, Farmer. Anne Whittaker Bourne, spinster of Calveley. full age . father Peter Bourne, Farmer. witness. Joseph Heler & Catherine Bourne. | Family F5612
262 | 14th October 1818. Nantwich Parish Church, By Licence Arthur Cooke, Publican of Nantwich Mary Edwards, Spinster of Nantwich Witness: Robert Butters & William Hurlbutt. With Parents Consent. | Family F394
263 | 14th September 1873 at the Cathedral & Parish Church, Manchester, by Banns William Hayes age 20, Bachelor, Railway Clerk, of 15 Pitt Street. Mary Hayes age 20 Spinster of 15 Pitt Street, X (her mark) Grooms father Hugh Gilson, Lead Pipe Maker Brides Father, Edward Hayes, Baker. Witness William Hayes & Elizabeth Hayes. | Family F5779
264 | 15 dec 1836 In The Parish of St George, Bloomsbury, by Licence. George Eedes Eachus, Batchelor of Saffron Walden, Essex. Mary Ann Hewlins, Spinster of this Parish. were married 15th december 1836 by Licence by Wynell Mayow, Curate. In the presence of Mary Ann Eachus & L J Jones. [ archive - digital copy + Copy of Entrie; London Collection MR 3/7] | Family F97
265 | 15th Feburary 1847. The Parish church of Little Oakley, Essex. John Holden, full age, Batchelor & Groom of Great Oakley. Sarah Gant " X" (her mark), full age , single woman & Servant maid of Little Oakley were married by Banns by George Burmester, Rector. In the presence of Sarah Fairs, John Smith & F G Burmester. Grooms Father, William Holden, Labourer Brides Father: James Gant, Tailor. [archive - digital copy certificate] | Family F7058
266 | 15th March 1868. Manchester Cathedral. by Banns John Walker, age 20, Batchelor, Cordmaker. of Islington Street, Salford. father John Walker, Dyer. Margaret Phythian,X her mark. age 20. Spinster, of 157 Chapel Street, Salford. Father Robert Phythian, Moulder. Witness; Robert Quinn & Emma Hesketh X her mark. | Family F5726
267 | 15th November 1741. John Pierpoint of ye Parish of Astbury & Eleanor Eachus of ye Parish of Sandbach, by Licence. Written Extract of Marriage Licence Held + digital copy of marriage (parish record) | Family F780
268 | 1637 Sept 11. William Hoyle of Gisburn, Gentleman, and John Tetlow of Ryton, Lancashire, Gentleman. Skirden in the forest of Gisburne in the parish of Bolton near Bolland with 120 acres and also one yearly rent of 12 pence issuing out of the intacke sold by William Hoyle to Richard Brosoppe and two meadows call Sett in the occupation of Henry Ellhill of Gasgill, Yeoman-Exemted and fore prised by these presents- Seisin endorsed that on 12 September 1637, William Hoyle did give full and peaceable possession and seisin unto John Tetlow in their own presence and person, (Tetlow Family Deeds). 1637 Nov 12. John Tetlow of Skirden leave unto Thomas Bagshaw of Ridge in the county of Derby, and George Boaden in the county of the parish of Derby. > From and after the death of Robert Tetlow and his wife Mary, Late father and mother of the said John Tetlow. (Tetlow Family Deeds) 1637 Nov 20. Morgage by demise. John Tetlow of Phelsworth (Failsworth) Lancashire, Gentleman. Thomas Bagshawe of Ridge, Darbye, esq, and George Boaden of Boaden, Darbye, Gentleman. Skirden, etc, term of 60 years. Premium ?500 - for the better preferment and advancement of himself, Robert tetlow his father and Marie Tetlow his mother, on Tyme to come..... 1649 Jul 13. John Tetlow of Skirden, Gentleman, and Thomas Tetlow of Skirden, Gentleman. (brother of said John). Skirden with 120 acres heretofore in the tenure and occupation of William Hoyle and a yearly rent of 12 pence issuing out of one close called Intacke sold by William Holyle to one Richard Broxoppe. | Tetlow, John (I5959)
269 | 17 Oct 1830, St Mary the Virgin, Eccles. James Martinscroft x (his mark) of the Parish Betty Brookes x (her mark) of this parish were married by banns by Robert Broadley, Curate in the presence of Thomas Gorse & James Turner. Source - micro film at Manchester Central Library | Family F7090
270 | 1755 -age given at Death; 1777- age given on Marriage | Speakman, Nathaniel (I2231)
271 | 17th January 1868, on which Day Henry Albert Hatton of the Parish of Wharton in the county of Chesher, Waterman, made oath that id of the age 21 years and upwards and a widower intends to marry Ann Astbury of the Parish of Wistaston, age 21 years and upwards and a spinster, Rquires a Licence to Solemnize the said marriage in the Parish Church of Wharton.Henry Albert Hatton further made oath that he hath had is usauk abode for the space of 15 days now. he made further oath that he believed that there is no impediment of Kindred or Alliance or of any other lawful Cause to bar or hinder the proceeding of the said Matrimony. signed Henry Albert Hatton. witnessed by Matthew Jackson Over Vicaridge, Winsford. dated 20th January 1868. Census Listings 1841 Waterloo Buildings, Castle Northwich, age. 1. (41-274); 1851 London Road, Leftwich, son. age 10. 1861 Canning Dock, Liverpool, Vessel "Ann" Head, married,age 21, Master 1871 Gravel Lane, Wharton, Head. (married) age 30, Grocer. (71-79) 1881 202 Station Road, Wharton, Head, married, age 40. Coal Dealer | Hatton, Henry Albert (I8595)
272 | 17th July 1809 St Oswald Parish Church, Winwick, Lancashire, England James Massey X (his mark) of this Parish Martha Hesford X (her mark) of this Parish Married by Banns [banns read 2 july 1809, 9th July 1809 & 16th July 1809. witness; Peter Hilton & Thomas Walker. | Family F5088
273 | 17th July 1831. St Mary the Virgin Parish Church, Prestwich, Lancashire, England. Abraham Pollitt X {his mark} of Prestwich Ellen Massey X (her mark) of Prestwich. Married by Banns Witness George Kay & Abraham Kay. | Family F5098
274 | 17th March 1875, Harry age 8 was sent by Magistrates, on the request of his own father John Eachus, to the Manchester Certified Industrial School in Ardwick Manchester, to serve a Sentence of 8 years under section 16, of the Industrial Schools Act of Parliament 1866. Section 16 states: Where the parent or Step-parent or Guardian of a Child apparentley under the age of 14 years, represents to two Justices or a Magistrate thta he is unable to control the child, and that he desires that the child be sent to an Industrial School under this Act. The Justices or the Magistrate if satisfied on enquiry that it is expedient to deal with child under this Act, may order him to be sent to a certified Industrial School. [Archive: A5-4] Census:Listings; 1871 8 Mackworth St, Hulme son. age 4. (86) 1881 "Manchester certified Industrial School". 75 Ardwick, Manchester, Lancashire. Scholar age 13. < Harry Eachus> (198) 1891 12 Russell Square, Hulme. Lodger (m). age 24. Painter. {lodging with his in-laws} (108) 1901 12 Russell Square, Hulme. Head (m). age 34 Painter, (01/15) 1911 12 Russell Square, Hulme. Head (m). age 44. House Painter for a contractor. (11-46) 1939 1 Cross Street, Sretford. Male Married, House Painter & Decorater Residence: 1889 44 Juniper St. Hulme, Manchester 1946 3 Cross Street, Old Trafford. Manchester Directories: 1895 24 Anson Street. Painter, (Kelly's Directory of Manchester) 1932 1 Cross St, Old Trafford | Eachus, Harry (I209)
275 | 18 Jan 1864 St Mary, Whitegate, By Banns James Maddock, Batchelor of Full Age. Servant of Weaverham. sign "X" Eliza Hodgkinson, Spinster of Full Age, Servant. of Whitgate sign "X" | Family F5218
276 | 1803 Minshull | Eachus, Martha (I89)
277 | 1810 census Pikeland, 1830 Census Nantmeal. | Eachus, John (I3921)
278 | 1835 Alice was a single woman giving birth to Ellen, by 1841 she was listed on the census as Alice Roughsedge, married age 45. | Family F5417
279 | 1841 census | Source (S45)
280 | 1841 Census 41-81, aged 3, lived at King Street Eccles with her mother, father and great grandfather. mother died 1846. Mary untraceable after 1841 census. | Memory, Mary Ann (I10276)
281 | 1841 census states "not born same county" | Elizabeth (I10806)
282 | 1850 census gives her first name as Juretta. | Wickersham, Luretta (I5666)
283 | 1850 Mercer County Census shows Margaret married to Sampson | Martin, Margaret (I5659)
284 | 1851 census | Source (S13)
285 | 1860 Census, Jefferson Township, Henry County, Iowa. 1870 Census, Contra Costa, California. age 11, at home. | Eachus, Emma (I3806)
286 | 1860 Census, Jefferson Township, Henry County, Iowa. 1870 Census, Contra Costa, California. age 14, At Home. | Eachus, Mary Bell (I9725)
287 | 1861 11 York Terrace, Islington, Finsbury. Head (s). age 26. Clerk H M Customs. (61-347) | Lyne, R.S. (I14109)
288 | 1861 census | Source (S29)
289 | 1861 census gives place of birth as Hayton, Cumberland | Stokes, Alice (I489)
290 | 1861 census gives place of birth as Weatherall. | Stokes, Sarah Jane (I2514)
291 | 1861 census gives place of birth as Wetheral, Cumberland | Stokes, Ann (I2445)
292 | 1861 census states place of birth Hayton. | Stokes, George (I2507)
293 | 1861 Mar qtr Runcorn 8a 158 | Ellams, John (I23402)
294 | 1870 Census, Contra Costa, California. age 1, at home. | Eachus, Frederick Maynard (I9729)
295 | 1870 Ormsby, Allegheny, Pennsylvania. age 15, "At Home" | Eachus, Charles (I17197)
296 | 1881, 47 London Road, Leftwich, daughter, age 9. (81-64) 1891, 67 London Road, Leftwich, daughter, age 19. (91-57) 1901, 170 London Road, Davenham, daughter, age 30, Dressmaker. (01-97) | Whitehead, Lucy (I8436)
297 | 1891 27 West Terrace, Barton upon Irwell, Lancashire, son. age 8 [born Winton] 1901 27-29 West Terrace, Eccles, Lancashire, Son, Single, Age 18, Joiners Apprentice, (01-386) | Lea, Ernest Grundy (I18725)
298 | 1891 Place of birth stated as Besse 'o 'th Barn 1901 Place of Birth stated as Manchester | Wolstenholme, Henry (I5749)
299 | 1891 census | Source (S72)
300 | 1891 census gives birth place as Broken Cross. | Eachus, Martha Emma (I1466)